One of Corey Goode’s benevolent messages is that we, the peoples of Earth, need to come together in unity, set aside our differences of perspective and belief, admit we don’t know everything about everything, and work together towards full disclosure so we can have an improved lifestyle, all the technology our corporate governmental military elite is hording from us, and the liberation of our peoples and our consciousness. Basically the “peace on Earth” we all hope for but don’t really see when we look around. In order to achieve this, the message from the Blue Avians of the Sphere Being Alliance, which Goode has contact with, says we ought to be more loving and forgiving of ourselves and others and be in greater service to others.
This message of working together towards disclosure inspired me to contribute to Dr. Steven Greer’s upcoming film, Unacknowledged, because I felt this would be a good step towards public disclosure of our government’s clandestine special access projects. Dr. Steven Greer is a well-respected ufologist who made the documentary, Sirius. However, Dr. Greer’s perspective is that anyone (like Corey Goode and William Tompkins) who talk about there being good ETs and bad ETs is probably being used to promote the party line and bolster the reasons for the weaponization of space by our negative government. Greer is precautious that although Goode’s message and the mythology on Gaia TV is in alignment with his work and messages, and Goode believes he is telling the truth without a doubt, Greer thinks that Goode’s experiences have been fabricated through the use of psychotronic electronic/electromagnetic weaponry technology that will later be used by the shadow elite as cosmic false flag material to promote putting weapons in space to fight the “bad guys.”
Greer’s perspective is that if we are ever to have a peaceful place in galactic society, we should not take our Earthly racism into the cosmos, and that “aliens” are not bad because if they were we would have been taken over or dead long ago. I think there’s no point in putting our primitive weapons into space because there’s always going to be some other society (or timeline) that has had millions of years more than us to develop technology. The negatively polarized group that ensnares our consciousness on this planet also benefits more greatly by keeping us alive and “under control” rather than killing us or letting us know we’ve been “taken over” several hundreds of thousands of years ago.
Although I was certain that people like Dr. Greer might also think my experience in a parallel timeline had somehow been fabricated by psychotronic technology of our shadow elite government, I feel that the technology for benevolence follows similar principles as the technology for malevolence. Like a hammer, it can be used to build someone a house or to murder them, but it’s still a hammer.
I woke up on Thanksgiving Day 2016 feeling like Dr. Greer’s perspective about there being “no bad aliens” is like the Native Americans saying there are “no bad white men” when, really, we had stolen their continent leaving pain, death, and a “Trail of Tears” in our wake. Although we should probably all forgive each other and thank everyone for our spiritual evolution, the “Orion group” is to the people of Earth as the “White men” are to the Native Americans, but on a cosmic scale. More love and forgiveness would definitely be good to stir into this whole pot of oppression and suppression, and after reading this whole document, I’m sure you will feel the same way.
I believe that Corey Goode and others are telling the truth because, just like my benevolent parallel timeline experience, the flavor of their experiences, their intent, and messages are benevolent ones having to do with the progression of consciousness, spirituality, ascension, and the liberation of our society from 3D into 4D positive. Even Dr. Greer’s perspective is a different facet of the same gem. I do not think the Orion group, the Draco, the Archons, or whatever you want to call them would want us to awaken to the information that people like Corey Goode have to share. The information I came home with from a parallel timeline also seems to be that of benevolent progression of our society and consciousness, which furthers our understanding of our quantum connection to ourselves, our other selves, ourselves in other timelines, and to all that is.
Believe it or not, I had no conscious knowledge of the Draco before writing my book, New Paradigm Planet. In this book part of this “imaginary” world I had is called Drakoni and is home to those who consciously are willing to embody negativity in the world so its people can all have a better realization about their purpose. They must still follow the “Logos of Now” but consciously are willing to show evil in the world in order to make the world a better place. Conversely to balance it out and maintain the harmony of the “Logos of Now,” the other half of the world is benevolent, called Oslandia. I didn’t name it after the Wizard of Oz, but it sounds similar. The “Logos of Now” was akin to what the RA group describes as “The Law of One” in the RA and the Law of One material (available for free online).